Susține Via Transilvanica
Achiziționând produse nu te alegi doar cu câteva obiecte,
ci participi la viața acestui traseu spectaculos de lungă distanță,
unic în România. Ne place să fim sinceri cu toți cei cu care
intrăm în contact și ne dăm peste cap ca tot ceea ce promitem
să ducem la bun sfârșit.
This collection is used by the OrderlyEmails app, to make product recommendations in your notification emails, which automatically update over time.
- This service is currenty provided for FREE, with any theme purchase.
- Recommended products shown in your email are automatically updated every 4 hours, to match this collection.
- By default, your Best-Selling products (that are in stock & not already purchased) will be recommended.
- You can modify the rules below to change which products are recommended. Products at the top of the list are more likely to be shown.
- To enable/disable recommendations in your emails, login to the OrderlyEmails app (Shopify Admin -> Apps) and add the "Recommended products" section to an email in the editor.
Note: This collection is "hidden", it is not be visible on your website.